Reification can be pretty cool.

After I posted Reification is a red herring (and you don’t need property graphs to assign data to individual relationships) last month, I had an amusingly difficult time explaining to my wife how that would generate so much Twitter activity. This month I wanted to make it clear that I’m not opposed to reification in and of itself, and I wanted to describe the fun I’ve been having playing with Olaf Hartig and Bryan Thompson’s RDF* and and SPARQL* extensions to these…

JavaScript SPARQL

With rdfstore-js.

I finally had a chance to play with rdfstore-js by Antonio Garrote and it was all pretty straightforward. I already had node.js installed, so a simple npm install js installed his library. Then, I was ready to include the library in a JavaScript script that would read some RDF and query it with SPARQL. I just ran my script from the command line, but node.js fans know that they can take advantage of this library’s features in much more interesting application architectures. (Before I go on,…