There are a few tutorials out there about how to start up your own free-tier Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance and then run your own publicly available web server. I’ve planned for a while to try this with a Jena Fuseki triplestore and SPARQL endpoint, but I postponed it because I thought it might be complicated. It turned out to be pretty easy.

More Picasso paintings in one year than all the Vermeer paintings?

Answering an art history question with SPARQL.

Sometimes a question pops into my head that, although unrelated to computers, could likely be answered with a SPARQL query. I don’t necessarily know the query off the top of my head and have to work it out. I’m going to discuss an example of one that I worked out and the steps that I took, because I wanted to show how I navigated the Wikidata data model to get what I wanted.