Converting RDFS schemas to SHACL constraints
With SPARQL, of course.
(This may look like a long blog entry, but it’s mostly sample schemas, data, and shapes. It should be a quick read.)
With SPARQL, of course.
(This may look like a long blog entry, but it’s mostly sample schemas, data, and shapes. It should be a quick read.)
Brief overviews of the relevant standards.
The following blog entries give a brief introduction to the RDF data model, the most important of the other W3C standards that build on it, and what people do with those standards:
Setting some constraints--then violating them!
Last month, in The W3C standard constraint language for RDF: SHACL, I described the history of this new standard that lets us define constraints on RDF data and an open source tool that lets us identify where such constraints were violated. The presence of the standard and tools that let us implement the standard will be a big help to the use of RDF in production environments.
A brief history of the new standard and some toys to play with it.