

Reification can be pretty cool.

After I posted Reification is a red herring (and you don’t need property graphs to assign data to individual relationships) last month, I had an amusingly difficult time explaining to my wife how that would generate so much Twitter activity. This month I wanted to make it clear that I’m not opposed to reification in and of itself, and I wanted to describe the fun I’ve been having playing with Olaf Hartig and Bryan Thompson’s RDF* and and SPARQL* extensions to these…

Reification is a red herring

And you don't need property graphs to assign data to individual relationships.

I recently tweeted that the ZDNet article Back to the future: Does graph database success hang on query language? was the best overview of the graph database world(s) that I’d seen so far, and I also warned that many such “overviews” were often just Neo4j employees plugging their own product. (The Neo4j company is actually called Neo Technology.) The most extreme example of this is the free O’Reilly book Graph Databases, which is free because it’s being given away…