Editing schemas, ontologies, and SKOS taxonomies with VocBench
A free GUI tool.
A free GUI tool.
The series.
Brief overviews of the relevant standards.
The following blog entries give a brief introduction to the RDF data model, the most important of the other W3C standards that build on it, and what people do with those standards:
An open source visual graph navigator.
When I first heard about the AWS Graph Explorer I assumed that it was a cloud-based tool for use with Neptune, the AWS cloud-based triplestore. After I read Fan Li’s First Impressions of the AWS Graph Explorer I realized that you can install this open source tool locally and point it at any SPARQL endpoint you want, so I cranked up Jena Fuseki on my laptop, loaded some data into it, and installed the Graph Explorer.
Termux and rdflib on my Android phone.
I recently wondered “could I run a Python script that includes the rdflib library on my Samsung Android phone?” Five minutes later, I was doing it, and about three of those minutes were spent installing Python.
With most of the credit going to to Ivan Herman.
I recently asked on Twitter about the availability of command line OWL processors. I got some leads, but most would have required a little coding or integration work on my part. I decided that a small project that I did with the OWL-RL Python library a few years ago gave me a head start on just creating my own OWL command line processor in Python. It was pretty easy.
And if you do there's a simple way to prove it.
During the course of my recent blog posts What is RDF?, What is RDFS?, What else can I do with RDFS?, and Taxonomy management with SKOS, some readers wondered if I would do a “What is OWL?” followup. I recommended to one inquirer that he read pages 39-41 and 263 - 269 of Learning SPARQL; I think that provides a pretty good introduction to OWL’s history and how to do some of the set-based logic that was an important part of its original intent.