"Readings in Database Systems": wisdom from Michael Stonebraker

and two other guys--updated and free online.

As I tweeted last July, I always learn so much about both the past and future of database computing from recent Turing Award winner Michael Stonebraker. I recently learned that the latest edition of Readings in Database Systems, also known as the “Red Book,” is available for free online under a Creative Commons license—or at least the introductions to the readings are. With most of these being by Stonebraker, and quite up-to-date, I consider these 43 pages required reading for anyone…

Storing and querying RDF in Neo4j

Hands-on experience with another NoSQL database manager.

In the typical classification of NoSQL databases, the “graph” category is one that was not covered in the “NoSQL Databases for RDF: An Empirical Evaluation” paper that I described in my last blog entry. (Several were “column-oriented” databases, which I always thought sounded like triple stores—the “table” part of they way people describe these always sounded to me like a stretched metaphor designed to appeal to relational database developers.) A…