Using SPARQL to find the right DBpedia URI

Even with the wrong name.

In Pulling SKOS prefLabel and altLabel values out of DBpedia, I described how Wikipedia and DBpedia store useful data about alternative names for resources described on Wikipedia, and I showed how you can use these to populate a SKOS dataset’s alternative and preferred label properties. Today I want to show how to use these as part of an application that lets you retrieve data even when you don’t necessarily have the right name for something—for example, retrieving a picture of Bob…

Data providers

RDF or otherwise.

While beta testing Talis’s Kasabi, I got to wondering about the data publishing market: who out there is hosting raw data, potentially charging for it and passing money along to the data’s providers? Poking around, I learned who the key names are. (Corrections welcome.) I accidentally stumbled across a few more when I followed a tweet from @xmlgrrl (a.k.a. Eve Maler, a friend of mine in the XML world since it was the SGML world) and started looking at her husband Eli’s blog.…

Retrieval of triples from relational databases is a popular topic in the semantic web world, but I was recently wondering how much trouble it would be to go in the opposite direction: to retrieve data from a SPARQL endpoint and load it into a relational database. It wasn’t much trouble at all. When you retrieve the results in the SPARQL query results XML format, a straightforward XSLT spreadsheet can convert it into the necessary SQL INSERT statements. I was able to automate the data…

Form-driven SPARQL queries without scripting

Just two lines in an .htaccess file.

In a podcast of a radio show I was listening to recently, the host asserted that 80s rapper Schoolly D had scored most of director Abel Ferrara’s films. I was curious about this, so I went to IMDB’s page for Ferrara, clicked on the first film title, scrolled down, clicked “Full cast and crew”, checked the music credit, returned to Ferrara’s main page, and repeated the last few steps… until I realized that one SPARQL query could create a single list of…