After growing up in southern Connecticut I lived in New York City for 25 years before moving to Charlottesville, Virginia, where I live now.
I am a Senior Technical Writer at Ontotext, makers of the GraphDB triplestore and a lot of great applications built on top of it. My work email address is bob.ducharme@ their domain name; my personal address is bob@ this domain name.
I have a BA in religion from Columbia University and received my masters in computer science from New York University’s Courant Institute.
See writing and music on the main menu for more about those activities.
A few more thing that didn’t fit elsewhere on this site:
A few years ago I started studying up on data science and created as a quick reference because I kept forgetting what various terms meant. I wrote more about this at My data science glossary.
After I got tired of people saying “SPARQL is just an academic thing that isn’t used by companies in the real world” I created the website. It lists companies in the real world who have posted job listings where they prefer that the applicant knows SPARQL. Read more about this at Brand-name companies using SPARQL: the
My home page, hosted here since the end of that fine site.